My Promise to You...
At Body Temple Colonics, you will get personalized care in a safe and nurturing environment making your colonic session pleasant and comfortable.
Discover the Power of Colonics
Colon therapy is a powerful and natural solution that can kickstart your body's self-healing processes.
Toxins and waste lingering in your intestines for extended periods create a perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria, resulting in putrefaction and fermentation. The consequences are all too familiar—gas, bloating, headaches, fatigue, and skin problems.
If not eliminated properly, these toxins can find their way back into your system, causing auto-intoxication, a self-poisoning phenomenon that can lead to severe health complications.
The good news is, colonics is an ultimate way to facilitate both efficient waste elimination and nutrient absorption, which are vital components of your rejuvenation journey.
Let me help you on your journey and get your colon back into a balanced state so friendly bacteria can make a thriving comeback, creating a more vibrant you.
Say goodbye to sluggishness, discomfort, and toxins that compromise optimal health.

About Me
Hello, my name is Seashell Bee, but my friends call me Shells. I'm delighted that you've chosen this path of wellness, embarking on a journey that improves your health and vitality.
If you've never experienced colon therapy and are a little apprehensive, allow me to put your mind at ease and make your experience a positive one.
By continuing my own deep internal work, I have learned the compassion needed to offer my clients non-judgmental assistance. My purpose is to help you discover improved ways to nurture your body...your most valuable asset.
In today’s ever-changing world, I truly feel this is the perfect time for healing, for self-love, for new ideas, and unity.
I would be honored for you to allow me to help you with your journey to optimized health.

Begin a unique voyage towards healing and well-being
Body Temple Colonics
Hours (by appointment only)
Monday.............9:30 to 11:00
Tuesday.............9:30 to 11:00
Wednesday.......9:30 to 11:00
Thursday............9:30 to 11:00
Friday.................9:30 to 11:00
Saturday.............9:30 to 11:00 appointment